Pope Francis Wishes Everyone A Christmas of Hope, Justice And Fraternity

A group of demonstrators protesting to the Italian authorities about the difficult current economic situation was also present in St. Peter's Square.

Pope Francis noticed the large banner they were carrying and commented, following the Angelus prayer, “I see there, written in large letters, 'The poor cannot wait'.

That's nice! And this makes me think that Jesus was born in a stable, not in a house.

Afterwards, he had to flee to Egypt to save his life. At the end, he returned to his own home, in Nazareth”.

“And I also think, today, reading this banner, of the many families who are without a home, either because they have never had one or because they have lost it for various reasons. Family and home go hand in hand. It is very difficult to raise a family without a home.

In this Christmas period, I invite all – individuals, social organisations, authorities – to do everything possible to enable every family to have a home”.

“To those from Italy who are gathered today to demonstrate their social commitment, may you offer a constructive contribution, rejecting the temptations of conflict and violence, and may you always choose the path of dialogue, in defending rights”.

“I wish you all a good Sunday and a Christmas of hope, justice and fraternity”, concluded the Pontiff.

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